Monday, February 15, 2010


I have no clue what possesses some people! Lately I will be out in town doing an errand or ordering food, and someone will come up and ask me if they can hold my baby. Why would I ever just hand over my baby to someone that I don't even know? Yes I may have my hands full... yes I may be trying to balance several things... but there is NO WAY that I am handing my baby off to a complete stranger. None! Be truly useful and help me carry my tray, or carry the carseat, but no way will I give my most precious baby to a stranger!

Another issue that I have recently come upon is who to let hold J. Where I work, I come in contact with many people. Since I have been there for over 7 years, many of those people have become like family. I gladly let any of those people hold J. It is a huge help to me at times, and I greatly appreciate it, plus I know who they are and know that he is in safe hands. And then there are those who I barely know that ask to hold J, and I don't really feel comfortable just handing him over to them. For some reason, they expect the same trust that I have for others. Unfortunately, that trust isn't there, so I try not to hurt their feelings and make up some excuse. They of course see others holding him, so I am sure they know something is up, but I just can't hand my baby over to anyone! I need to know them... to trust them! Too much can happen in a blink of an eye, and I need to make sure that my children are safe no matter what. Still I feel torn.

Am I over-protective? Maybe a little. But to me, it just isn't worth the risk. I am the type of person that hates to hurt other people's feelings, but when it comes to protecting my children, I will do what I have to do. I wish that I could find the balance because I sometimes feel guilty for not trusting and not allowing people to hold J. Maybe this is just what being a parent is all about.

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