Monday, February 8, 2010

Sick Boys

Once again, we are battling colds in our house. M has a cold, which always means a runny nose and a terrible croupy cough. And while that usually wouldn't be cause for concern, it is when you have a 4 month old in the house. We are trying to explain to M about germs, and how he needs to do a few things to help keep his brother safe from those germs: cover his mouth and turn his head when he sneezes and coughs, wash his hands frequently, don't touch J, don't touch J's toys. But it is really hard to make a 2 year old understand that, while he loves his brother and wants to be near him and play with him, he really needs to keep his distance.

We have some friends who have a baby just a few weeks older than J who is in the hospital with RSV. It is scary how the common cold can bring that on a baby! And while we have already battled RSV once this season, we really don't want a repeat!

Germs are always such a scary thing. It was one of the things we feared when we first started to look for daycare for M when he was a year old. I am very fortunate with my job to be able to have my children with me till they are a year old. When that year mark came for M, we really were not looking forward to the increase of germs he would come in contact with. It has proven to be quite a challenge to keep M healthy, especially in the winter months. But I have to believe that overall, daycare has been good for him. Perhaps I will share all of those benefits another time. For now, I must run to wipe a nose.

Wishing you and your family healthy and germ-free days!

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